Hello dear readers!
Today I'm starting a series of NYX round lippie swatches posts.
Hopefully this will be helpful for those of you who have not tried these yet, but are thinking about ordering some, and at the same time are hesitant till you see a swatch, and God knows the online swatches in most cases aren't even close to the actual true color... :)
I am totally in love with these! They have great color payoff, they last on my lips without drying them out, they come in a wide range of colors to choose from, plus they are cheap as well, so one can afford to have lots of different colors.
I think I've paid $0.99 USD for most of these; Cherry Culture and Nonpareil Boutique (links to the right) has them on sale from time to time. Even when they're not on sale they are still very cheap and affordable; $2.00 at Cherry Culture and $1.90 at Nonpareil Boutique.
All of the lippies swatched in this post are shimmery.
So; are you ready? Here we go...
(Pictures are clickable, the top 2 are a little blurry, though; sorry about that)
With flash

I hope this is helpful, inspiring and enabling :D
Stay tuned for part 2 to be posted very soon.

Kjempefine bilder, og venter spent på fortsettelsen! :) Cherry culture og NYX sine swatcher er tragiske.
Vad dejligt med lite norsk här på bloggen :)
Tack för komplimangen, det blir 5 eller 6 poster till med swatches. Håller med om att de swatches som finns online är riktigt dåliga tyvärr - kan inte riktigt förstå att de inte inser det själva och gör nå'nting åt det :(
Tack igen för din kommentar :D
Gah..Fusion såg ursnygg ut *dreggel*
Den är verkligen ursnygg :)
Chloe, Fusion and Pandora look like colors I need! Maybe peach too!
Which would you say you like the best of those?
I *knew* you'd choose these :D
Out of this group I personally love Peach, Chloe and Flower. Georgia is nice too. Fusion is a very cool color, it's almost a duo chrome. I think you'd like all of those you mentioned.
thanks for the swatches :) i'm thinking about buying Fusion and i wanted to see what it looked like
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